With $$

Help us keep on evolving our work

We really would like to live only from riding our bikes, but some things we have to do on the backstage require $$$$, such as this website you are seeing right now or the people who help out our network, besides many other activities we put together.

With new resources we are always thinking on how to expand our mission and amplify our activities. To do that we are planning a fantastic way to enable you to actually support us. We hope it is ready soon!

In the meanwhile, we suggest that you contact usto suggest partnerships and below you can find our bank account information, just in case you want to do a spontaneous donation:

Donate online

Donate by deposit:

Banco Itaú
Ag: 0300 - CC: 32822-6
Razão social: Associação Bike Anjo
CNPJ: 19.515.100/0001-89

With your own bicycle

Change the world by cycling

Anyone with a bicycle, good willing and a good heart can be a Bike Anjo volunteer. It’s just a matter of believing on the bicycle as a tool for to social and personal change and spread the word! 0=D

Join us and be part of this amazing network of volunteers throughout the world who want to build better cities and mobilize people through cycling.

Learn how to become a Bike Anjo volunteer

Join our events

Join our campaigns

Now, you also have to know what to NOT DO as a Bike Anjo volunteer:

  • Never be aggressive in traffic (be an example for new cyclists. Be an agent of change!)
  • Never expose new cyclists to risk or force any unwanted situation.
  • Never expose pedestrians to risk in any way.

With your

Share your ideas with us

We do not have any permanent job opportunities or management volunteer work in Bike Anjo, but we always like to meet new people and get know what they like to do and their skills. It can be on communication area, management or even hands-on. We embrace the world! Therefore, contact us if you are willing to help! 0=D

Contact us
