Our statute
To understand our model of network with a legal registrations
Bike Anjo is not considered a NGO, but a network with a legal registration.
However, we believe that, as any organization, we must be transparent about the way we
registered our network which is reaching the whole world.
Note: Bike Anjo Association is legally based in Brazil and, therefore, all documents here
linked are in portuguese.

Registered name: Associação Bike Anjo
Brazilian Registration Number (CNPJ): 19.515.100/0001-89
Municipal registration: 4897457-9
State registration: exempted
Legal address:
R. Miosotis, 158
Mirandopolis- São Paulo/SP
CEP: 04047-030
Business address
R. Miosotis, 158
Mirandopolis- São Paulo/SP
CEP: 04047-030
Activity reports
Check our project reports and activities of Bike Anjo
Bike Anjo Mobilization Project 2014-2015 (only in portuguese)
Bike Anjo Mobilization Project 2015-2016 (only in portuguese)
Bike Anjo Mobilization Project 2016-2017 (only in portuguese)
Bike Anjo Mobilization Project 2017-2018 (only in portuguese)
Bike Anjo Mobilization Project 2018-2019 (only in portuguese)
Bike Anjo Mobilization Project 2019-2020 (only in portuguese)
Annual Financial Statement
Everything about our financial statement in real time to the community

We believe that with open financial statement to the public and with a collaborative management we can learn more and better monitor our work.
Annual Financial Statement 2014
Annual Financial Statement 2015
Annual Financial Statement 2016
Annual Financial Statement 2017