Join a community that believes in change through bicycles!

I need help to ride a bike I ride a bike and want to help

Our community is always growing

9411 Bike Anjo volunteers
39652 Requests
894 Cities
39 Countries

How it works?

We are a community of passionate cyclists who voluntarily help out new cyclists

You ask for help

You can find help to learn how to practice your skills, find route recomendations, traffic information and much more.

Find your Bike Anjo volunteer

We analyze your request in our database and connect you with a bike anjo close to you to help with your request.

And be part of the community

By the moment you get help you can get other people to do the same and change your city.

Learn more about how Bike Anjo works

Check out who have already used it

Testimonials from people already in our community
